[Lofarpwg] TULIPP paper draft for final review

Aris Karastergiou aris.karastergiou at physics.ox.ac.uk
Tue Nov 9 12:38:38 UTC 2021

Hi Charlotte,

Have you perhaps had a chance to consider my email?


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From: lofarpwg <lofarpwg-bounces at astron.nl> on behalf of Aris Karastergiou <aris.karastergiou at physics.ox.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2021 10:57:24 AM
To: Sobey, Charlotte (S&A, Kensington WA) <Charlotte.Sobey at csiro.au>; lofarpwg at astron.nl <lofarpwg at astron.nl>; Evan Keane <evan.keane at nuigalway.ie>; e.vanderwateren at science.ru.nl <e.vanderwateren at science.ru.nl>
Subject: Re: [Lofarpwg] TULIPP paper draft for final review

Hi Charlotte,

That's a nice paper. I wish I had the time and energy this past year and a half to follow this work closer, but I didn't. I was reading through it now and had a comment that you might want to consider. Simply put, I think you are comparing two different quantities when you compare the fractional linear polarization in the images to what is traditionally published in pulsar papers. In fact, I did not see the formulas you use to determine the average L/I in these two cases, but could they be the following?

  1.  In imaging, L = sqrt( Sum(Q)^2 + Sum(U)^2 ), and I is just Sum(I), where the sums are over the entire integration time.
  2.  In time domain obs, L = Sum( sqrt(Q^2+U^2) ), and I is again Sum(I). Here the sums are across pulse phase. I think this is what is traditionally published in pulsar papers.

I have ignored the L bias correction in both cases.

If so (as per the norm), then the imaging L/I is always going to be less than the timing L/I, depending in fact on the PA swing and the shape of the profile. I think this is clear in your figure 2, where in the timing data the pulsar is very highly polarized.

We are currently writing up a MeerKAT paper where we are highlighting this distinction in definitions, and I have been thinking about the impact this could have in identifying pulsars in images. You may want to consider this here, and even perhaps write a few sentences along the lines mentioned above. If somehow I have missed relevant discussion that exists in the manuscript already, please ignore the above.


From: lofarpwg <lofarpwg-bounces at astron.nl> on behalf of Sobey, Charlotte (S&A, Kensington WA) <Charlotte.Sobey at csiro.au>
Sent: 21 October 2021 15:19
To: lofarpwg at astron.nl <lofarpwg at astron.nl>; Evan Keane <evan.keane at nuigalway.ie>; e.vanderwateren at science.ru.nl <e.vanderwateren at science.ru.nl>
Subject: [Lofarpwg] TULIPP paper draft for final review

Dear All,

I hope this email finds you well.

It is a pleasure to share the initial ‘TULIPP’ paper with the PWG.

The paper title is currently “A pulsar survey of polarized point sources from the LOFAR imaging surveys: description and initial discoveries”

It can be viewed/downloaded from google drive here:


Please feel free to email me with any impressions/comments before your close of business on Friday 29 October.

I hope to submit the final version of the paper shortly afterwards.

Many thanks and best wishes,



Dr Charlotte Sobey (she/her/they/them)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Space & Astronomy  |  CSIRO

charlotte.sobey at csiro.au<mailto:charlotte.sobey at csiro.au>  |  +61 8 6436 8781

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