[Lofarpwg] LOFAR2.0 PSR/FRB/Fast Transients EoIs

Jason Hessels j.w.t.hessels at uva.nl
Mon Nov 8 17:51:08 UTC 2021

Hey all,

Here is a Google drive link to start coordinating the plans and materials:


There will be 2 EoIs: one focusing on searching and the other on monitoring of PSRs/FRBs/Fast Transients.

I have provided a document outlining the search and 3 sub-themes.  Comments welcome!  

Caterina will do the same for monitoring.

First order of business is to nail down the various sub-themes between the searching and monitoring EoIs, to ensure that we cover all the topics in a complementary but not overlapping way.  Same goes for coordinating with a more general (slower) transients EoI.

A reminder that the deadline is Dec 3rd, and that more background is available here: https://www.astron.nl/events/lofar2programmes/




Prof. dr. Jason W. T. Hessels

Chief Astronomer - ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy
Professor (Hoogleraar) - University of Amsterdam
Mobile Tel: +31 (0)610260062

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