[Lofarpwg] LOFAR + Apertif FRB paper

Joeri van Leeuwen leeuwen at astron.nl
Tue Dec 15 19:02:01 UTC 2020

Dear fellow PWG-ers,

Attached is a paper we submitted today and which will appear on arxiv 
later tonight, which you may find interesting. During simultaneous 
Apertif-LOFAR observing, we (Inés Pastor-Marazuela et al.) saw R3 at 
both frequencies. But never at the same time. The Apertif 1.4 GHz 
detections generally occur earlier in phase, the LOFAR 150 MHz 
detections later. Together, we find these data disfavor binary wind 
models as an explanation to the periodicity of R3. Check it out,


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