[Lofarpwg] Fwd: AA/2019/36627: referee report [LBA census]

Anna Bilous hanna.bilous at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 20:20:50 UTC 2019

Dear all,

please find below the referee report for the LBA census.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <aanda.paris at obspm.fr>
Date: Sat, Oct 5, 2019 at 4:02 PM
Subject: AA/2019/36627: referee report
To: <hanna.bilous at gmail.com>


Dr Anna Bilous

hanna.bilous at gmail.com
Our Ref. : AA/2019/36627

Dear Dr Bilous,

The manuscript entitled :

"A LOFAR census of non-recycled pulsars: extending below 80 MHz"

was submitted to a referee, Joanna Rankin (who waives anonymity), who
recommends publication following very minor revision (see enclosed

Please make the requested changes and send us the revised version (two
pdf files: one in referee format and the other in printer format) at
your earliest convenience. Instructions for resubmitting can be found
at address https://mms-aanda.obspm.fr/is/aa/resubmit_a_paper.php. Your
author ID number is 25070.

Also make sure that the figure and table captions are formatted in
accordance with the A&A instructions (see
and the current A&A macro for examples).

- In your cover letter, please indicate precisely all the changes made
in the revised version,
- Mark all the changes clearly (using boldface) in your manuscript.

The final acceptance letter will give you the exact acceptance date as
well as instructions for sending your paper to the publisher. Please
do not send your manuscript to the publisher before receiving the
notice of acceptance.

With best regards,


Steven N. Shore
A&A Editor
Referee report

Overall:  this is a complex and well crafted project, and the results
are very well and capably described.  I recommend publication with
only slight revisions.

Small issues:
—in several places “Similarly to…” should be “Similar to ….”
—in the third paragraph of §3, Hotan et al is referenced twice in 3
lines.  Maybe rephrase to eliminate one of them?
—second line of the first full para on p. 3: fix grammar and spacing
in “data packets was dropped,resulting”
—Fig. 3 caption:  I don’t see any blue stars, they seem black to me
—§3.2, para 1, line 8: “polarizations summed."
—third to last line on p. 4: “flux density values with the ones”
—§5, para 3, l. 9: “proposes a clear dependence"
—Appendix A: is it “scintle” or “scintile”?

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