[Lofarpwg] LOTAAS binary pulsar + 20 timing paper

Chia Min Tan chiamin.tan at postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
Mon Aug 5 13:00:14 UTC 2019

Hi everyone

I'm still waiting for comments for the timing paper. If you have any comments on the paper, can you let me know so I know whom I should expect reply from? If possible can you send me your comments within 2 weeks from now?


Chia Min

From: Chia Min Tan
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 4:38:41 PM
To: lofarpwg at astron.nl <lofarpwg at astron.nl>
Subject: LOTAAS binary pulsar + 20 timing paper

Hi everyone

I have completed a draft of my LOTAAS timing paper which includes the first binary pulsar discovered by LOTAAS and 20 other sources. In the paper, I have provided timing solutions, multi-frequency observations to study profile evolution and to measure spectral indices. There are also separate sub-sections for the binary pulsar and J1657+3304 which shows flux density variation of a factor of 10 over 300 days.

One notable issue I have now is to explain why did our sensitivity not improve as much as expected when we correct for the pointing positions towards the pulsars from follow-up positions to timing positions. The worry here is the systemic errors we get for not accounting for the less than expected sensitivity. Currently I used the measured flux densities as it is if the change in positions is less than 1 arcmin and only use the observations with corrected positions for changes that are more than 1.5 arcmin (There are no pulsars with offsets between 1 and 1.5 arcmin).

Anyways, let me know if you have any comments on any aspects of the paper.


Chia Min
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