Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
32gbpsevn Enabling operational 32 Gbps VLBI in the EVN
Apertifbuilders For the Apertif builders team
Apertifimaging For the Apertif imaging team.
Apertifscience For the Apertif science team
Astronomer All Dwingeloo astronomers.
Colloquium-announce Announcments for ASTRON/JIVE colloquia
Dragnet People working on the DRAGNET pulsar and burst searching project.
eic The Equity and Inclusion Committee
Everyonejive All JIVE employees.
Evn-seminars evn-seminars mailinglist
Evntech EVNtech mail exploder
Halogas Halogas, a long-term WSRT observing project.
Jiveastronomer All JIVE astronomers.
Lofar-builders LOFAR Builder's list used for LOFAR commissioning papers.
Lofar-net Used to contact ASTRON on operational LOFAR network issues.
Lofar-news Mailing list for Lofar news.
Lofar-obs Used to contact the LOFAR operator on duty on observation issues.
Lofar-ops Used for LOFAR operational issues.
Lofar-pr Used for LOFAR press release coordination.
Lofar-proposals Mailing list for Lofar proposals.
lofarpwg LOFAR Pulsar Working Group
Longbaselinelofar People who work on the long baseline aspect of LOFAR.
M2O-VLBI List to coordinate activities of the VLBI branch of the Maser Monitoring Organisation (M2O)
MHONGOOSE Mailing list for the MeerKAT Large Survey Project MHONGOOSE
nlvo The Netherlands Virtual Observatory
Parseltongue Parseltongue announcements and discussion on ParselTongue
Pulsars Used by the ASTRON Pulsar Group.
Radioblocks-all Radioblocks - All members
Radioblocks-exec Radioblocks Exec list
Radioblocks-ga Radioblocks Ga list
Radioblocks-wp1 Radioblocks WP1 List
Radioblocks-wp2 Radioblocks WP2 List
Radioblocks-wp3 Radioblocks WP3 List
Radioblocks-wp4 Radioblocks WP4 List
Radioblocks-wp5 Radioblocks WP5 List
SWENED Space WEather NEDerland
Teamred The 'red' scrum team of SDOS in the RO

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