[Lofarpwg] LOFAR2.0 LP on Pulsar & Fast Transient Surveys

Jason Hessels hessels at astron.nl
Mon Aug 28 12:30:57 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I've created a shared folder to organize the preparation of the LOFAR2.0 Large Programme proposal on Pulsar & Fast Transient Surveys:

The document "L2LP_Pulsar_and_Fast_Transient_Survey" is the general landing place, with links to other documents.

You're receiving this email because you were a co-author on either or both of the EOIs we submitted for pulsar/fast transient monitoring and searching.
(NB: Caterina Tiburzi is preparing a "sister" proposal on pulsar/fast transient monitoring, contact her about that if you're interested!)

Can you please indicate your interest in joining this proposal by filling out the simple spreadsheet called "LOFAR2.0_LP_PFTS" in the shared folder?

Feel free to also suggest other potential team members. I'm in the process of reaching out to some others as well.

Kind regards,


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