[Lofarpwg] PPF for LOFAR

Cees Bassa bassa at astron.nl
Thu Jun 11 08:41:32 UTC 2020

Hi Evan,

On Thu, 2020-06-11 at 08:52 +0100, Evan Keane wrote:
> Hi PWG,
> Does anyone have to hand a paper/document/anything describing the
> LOFAR polyphase filterbank in the RSP boards, or a model for them?
> The kind of thing I could run on (say) some simulated Nyquist
> voltages to get a LOFAR RSP like response? And, related, any attempts
> to invert the polyphase filterbank?

I believe the taps of the station based PFB are defined in:

Here, they are used to correct the bandpass for the bandpass ripple.


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